The Austrian composer Gustav Mahler makes his U.S. conducting debut with Tristan und Isolde at the Metropolitan Opera.
The first long-distance wireless message is sent from the Eiffel Tower.
Birth of U.S. physicist Edward Teller, who developed the hydrogen bomb.
The New York Police Department enlists dogs as deputies.
In London nine suffragettes are arrested after incidents at the homes of Cabinet ministers.
January |
1 |
The first performance of A Christmas Greeting at Herford. George Sinclair writes: "We had a splendid
Concert last night, quite the best we have ever had. The Town Hall was over packed, nearly 50 people had to stand.
Your beautiful piece went really well, with great expression and feeling."
2 |
"May & Mother went out in the morning & saw Pompey�s statue, Father & I were in all the morning, in
the afternoon May & I went out on the Pincian for a short walk, & studied the numerous busts, some very nice �
After tea, Father went to his lesson, Mother & May & I went to the Lecture by Professor Grenfell. It was all about a
recently discovered papyrus."
3 |
Lord Northampton writes to Elgar: "I have received two little reminders of yourself in Italy & they
each brought a little warm love with them which did me good for everything outside is very cold � hard frosts & bitter
winds & everyone looking pinched & dried up � But that does not affect the warmth inside & with a very hot heart I wish
you a new year full of the best things that God can give you. He has already given you so much, but I know there is more
that you want to get � so I wish you that � Perhaps it could be bad for you to get it � God will decide �"
4 |
The Elgars look for a flat for Pippa Worthington: "Father & Mother went to see the apartment, & liked
it v. much. May & I went to the Vatican sculpture, & had a lovely time there, we discovered that there was a whole
long passage of statues which we had not seen. After lunch Father & I went a long walk through the Borghese gardens,
out on to a new road, nearly to the Acqua Acetosa, & home by the Villa Papa Giulio. It was a perfect day, & we had
some glorious views. Mother & May went to see Segnor del Nero, about Pippa. He came & called in the Evening."
5 |
Miss Underwood writes from Hereford: "I trust you have heard already from Dr. Sinclair how delighted
everyone was with the �Greeting� & what a good rendering the boys gave, they took such pains to perform it without a
mistake two Carroduses played the violin parts so beautifully, I do wish you could have heard it, the music & the words
are quite touching it was indeed a charming thought of Sir Edward�s to write such a Christmas greeting to the boys, & I
am sure that they all valued & appreciated it, the whole concert was a great success, the room was full to overflowing
with many standing, next year we shall want to adjourn to the Shire Hall. We had a quiet peaceful Christmas with nice
services at the Cathedral, now we are in the grip of winter, 21 degrees of frost last night & many houses with frozen
pipes, not ours at present I am thankful to say, & I trust we shall not have such an excitement as we are expecting a
party for the Hunt & Hospital walk on Wednesday & Miss Mary my sister is much better and is talking of joining with me
to Mr. Brine�s Shakespeare dance on the 14th."
6 |
"Festa day. May & I went to church at 10, & the Babies later. May & I murked a little after, & found
the real Babuino, & also S. Anastasio in the Via, where mass was going on according to the Greek rite. In the
afternoon we tried to find another flat for Pippa but could not see it, so May & I met Father at the Berlitz & went
with him to the Ara Coeli, crowds of people on the steps, but cld see nothing of the Blessing etc, so gave it up &
came home by the Tarteraghe charming fountain, & by the Levei, ghastly, & S. Andrea della Valle, very nice church,
& beautiful representation of the Epiphany, & nice sound of music. Mother still feeling cold very much."
7 |
"May had telegram to say she was to go home at once as her Father was dangerously ill. We went down
to see if she could start that night, but it was impossible. So terribly trying for her, & so difficult to know whether
it was a great risk for herself to go back into the cold. Very cold day. Mother still very wretched from her cold."
8 |
"May decided to go at 8.40 this evening. Spent afternoon making arrangements. In morning went to our
lessons as usual. Mother still badly. Father & I went down to see poor May, so terribly sad at losing her, Found Lady
Victoria Manners was going as far as Geneva, so could be a little help to her, Father & I walked home."
9 |
"Mother still in bed. Went shopping with Rosa, & to see one or two apartments for Pippa. Had several
telegrams & a card from May to say had arrived at various places safely."
10 |
"Had a card from May, & much later a wire to say �slightly better� from Worcester. Mlle. L�ry came here
to give me my lesson. Dr. Smallpeice came again to see Mother. Mrs. S�s at Home."
11 |
"Mother better. Shopped with Rose. In the Evening I went with Andrea to the H�tel Suisse. Miss Ridleys
invited me to Progressive Games, great fun."
12 |
Elgar writes to May Grafton: "My dear May: Babs & I are just in from a long walk you may care to look
in Baedeker. Aventine, St Alessio &c. &c. then over the Hills to Ponte S. Paolo protestant cemetery. Via P. St Paolo by
S. Prisca &c. &c. lovely hot sun. I do hope we shall hear good news son. The Paint is really better but has not been
out yet: It is really most disappointing, her health I mean but we hope she will soon be well: nothing could be better
than the present weather only it is cold. We went to S. Sylvestro this a.m. & I am sneezing! My love to you all.
I am longing to hear news: it is good of you to send those telegrams & you were fortunate I hope in your channel
13 |
"Did nothing particular in the morning. In the afternoon went to our Berlitz lessons together, when
we came, there came a telegram to say that poor May�s father was dead. So dreadfully sorry for her & for them all, &
so thankful that she did go after all. Father & I went a short walk on the Pincian."
14 |
Elgar writes to May Grafton: "My dear Maybird: I cannot tell you how sad we are & how much we think
of you all: give your mother my love � she will know without words all it means; bless you all! I get quite frantic at
times sitting here so far away when I would give anything to be with you or near you all during this sad time."
15 |
"Father & I went quickly to find a book binder�s, as he wanted something bound, before 11 & Mlle. L�ry
came. Saw S. Augustus en route. Had my lesson. Mr. Hubbard & Mr. Littleon came to tea, very nice."
16 |
"Mother & Father & I went to lunch at Miss Fane�s. Msgnr. Stanley Mrs. Montigne, very nice. I left
directly after, & went with Andrea to the hockey which had been arranged. It was great fun, no one played well or
kept their places, & the ground (in the Borghese gardens) was very rough. The Italians shrieked! with excitement if
they shot a goal."
17 |
Elgar writes to Ivor Atkins: "We have been deeply saddened by the death of my dear old comrade, May's
father. She has left us for home & our little party is in sorrow. Let me have news of you sometime soon. I hope all
goes well. Here we have frosts but glorious sun all day-treacherous but seeming fair. I have really nothing to tell you.
I write a little & have furnished (good word) four part-songs, one whereof is in two keys at once! that is to say,
the S. A. & right hand PF bear the signature of b, while simultaneously the T.B. & left hand PF are in #. It will
sound very remote & will please village choirs."
18 |
"Mother & I went out shopping in the morning, & went to see S. Giacomo in Augusta, not anything to
see there. In the afternoon Dr. Smallpeice & Andrea came for drilling, & I went back there & spent the afternoon there,
met Miss Georges, & Miss Olive Freeman, very nice, played games. Mother had called on Miss Lane & walked home with me.
We heard that Father & Pippa wld come home by the last train, 11-25, so we went to the H�tel du Pincis to see that her
room was ready, & took some fruit & flowers, & sat up for them. So nice to have Father home, & Pippa here. We also
arranged for Pippa to see Mr. Bultor�s apartment."
19 |
"Father & I went to church, Pippa & Mother to see Signer del Nero�s apartment, which she did not like.
In the p.m. she saw & took Mr. B�s, & liked it very much. Father & she & I went a nice walk in the gardens, & saw an
exciting game of football there. Came home to tea, when (later) Mseur. Shanly came."
20 |
"Pippa busy about her flat, went with her in the morning when she went through her inventory. In the
afternoon Father & I had own lessons, & went round to see if the book we left to be bound was possibly ready; not till
Thursday. Mother & Pippa to Bethell�s to tea. P. & Mr. Bultor signed lease in evening."
21 |
"According to Mlle. L�ry�s arrangement she was to have come this a.m. at 10, but some how she never
came. Bought an Italian dictionary. Father had a very snuffly cold, & put off his lesson & did not go out at all.
Pippa & Mother busy about servants etc etc for her flat."
22 |
"Father�s cold very bad, in bed nearly all day. Mlle. L�ry came at 10 this morning, & explained that
the time had been changed unknown to her. Mother & Pippa went out shopping. Rosa & I went to the Berlitz for my lesson,
had Signorina Romano � not my own lady."
23 |
"Mother & I walked to the book-binder�s & fetched the book, which was ready this time, but they had
not cut it down at all. Father in bed till the evening, very poorly & depressed. Pippa came & dined, which was very
cheering. Miss Fane sent a note to Mother, asking whether we would like to go for a drive in her carriage, as it was
doing nothing to-morrow."
24 |
"Had my French lesson, & after Mother & I went for a very nice drive in Miss Fane�s carriage, it was
so good of her to offer it: we went this side of the Tiber down to the Ponte Molle & back by the Acqua Acetosa, & the
Via Flaminia, by the former we got into some terrible mud, & wondered whether the carriage would get hopelessly stuck
in it. Father still bad, not up until after lunch. In the afternoon Dr. Smallpeice & Andrea came. At 4 Pippa came,
& Mother & she & I went to the Sgambati�s to tea, many people there, & a Mexican lady sang, & also Professore
Franceschetti. We met Clara Novello�s daughters, so nice, & a Mrs. White, who was also very nice."
25 |
In Rome.
26 |
In Rome.
27 |
Alice writes to Troyte Griffith: "
It is most disappointing that E. got a bad cold & has been laid up got a week, a good deal in bed. The Dr. says it is a
touch of influenza - & you know how wretched & depressing that is. I hope he is a little better, but it will take
some days all being well, to set him up. The Dr. wants to send us to Frascati for him to convalesce but I must go first
& see what it is like as houses can be so cold here, we are very fortunate here in that respect � It must be perfectly
lovely out on those Alban Hills, they look so opal tinted & beautiful in the distance. The Dr. is very nice & kind,
& very clever I think. I am glad to say our Plas Gwyn tenants send very nice accounts & seem to love it � The robin has
hot baths! They seem so good to the birds. I bought some roses the other day, a lovely red pink shade � They were
evidently dyed � the water in the bowl was rose colour � Can you imagine that in Italy? but it seems to me the feeling
of art is utterly lost. The shops are so dreadful, except those with reproductions of the old things."
28 |
Alice writes to Alice Kilburn: "So many thanks for yr card & the box of excellent shortbread so dear
of you to think of it � I am sorry to say Edward has been laid up for the last 10 days with severe cold & strong touch
of influenza, which you know is most depressing & wretched. It is delightful having Mrs. Worthington here she arrived a
few days ago & is installed in an apartment in the new quarter looking down into Queen Margarita�s garden."
29 |
"Had my French lesson."
30 |
"E. was to lunch with Pippa but not well enough. A. much worried, went instead. E. came up afterwards
for a few minutes & walked back - first time out. P. to dinner."
31 |
"Had my French lesson. In the afternoon, Mother & I went by tram to the nearest approach to S Clemente,
as this day & to-morrow are the only days of the year in which one can see the lower church. The upper church is
beautiful, while marble ambones & screen, & lovely Masaccio frescoes. As it was too early to see the lower church,
we went to the Quattro Coronati, very strange place, fortress like outside. Owing to a mistake in the restoration
it had 2 courtyards, which makes much difference in the size. The man there gave us two bits of marble from the
floor. We went back to S. Clemente & saw the lower church, very interesting, lovely bits of mosaic, & looked down
a grating & saw where S. Clement�s house was, not shown now as too damp, but many feet below the lower church."
Following the murder of the King and the Crown Prince, 19-year-old Don Manuel becomes king.
In Ireland a gale sweeps a Donegal train off the track.
a 46th star is added to the U.S.A. flag, following Oklahoma's admission to statehood.
In New York a Professor at Columbia University insists the deleterious effects of tobacco are greatly exaggerated.
February |
1 |
"E. rather headache & tired. Dr. Smallpeice for drilling & long talk with E. after lunch -"
2 |
"Mother & I went to the Kircherian Museum, it was very nice to go again, & Mother was much interested.
Church at San Silvestro. Father better. When we were out the newspaper men seemed very excited & we heard the King of
Portugal & his son had been murdered. Mother & I went out to get papers & found it only too true. Mr. Hubbard came in
& had a nice long talk."
3 |
Elgar writes to May Grafton: "My dear Maybird: I am up again now after a most wearisome illness � a
fortnight clear most of it in bed. If the weather was only possible, I should get some walks & improve but it rains &
rains & is very dark & gloomy. I don�t seem to know anything � have had no letters for weeks except the usual idiot
begging autographs, &c. &c."
4 |
"Finer - A. out in morning, very cold. C. to lesson & lunch with Pippa. Dr. S. came. A. had to go to
bed at dinner time."
5 |
"Mother in bed with a very bad cold. Embassy dinner put off on account of Portuguese tragedy. Had my
French lesson, the last h�las! until Father arranges something else � which I think he is going to."
6 |
"E. dreadful headache. Out a little. Had to put off golf with Mr. Hubbard. Dr. S. came. A. let come
out to dine - C. to Hockey -"
7 |
"Father & I went a long walk in the morning, a sort of murk, trying to find Casa Bramante. We bought
some corks for Pippa, left a card on Dr. Strauss at the Russie, & also bought two herrings, & roasted one over the
drawing room fire. Mother up before lunch & better, Mlle. L�ry came to see whether I was to have a lesson, when I was
out, & stayed & talked along time. In the p.m. Father & Pippa went to sale room. I went to Dr. Smallpeice�s for
drilling & came back with Andrea & Dr. S. Father bought some lovely embroidered priest�s vestments, & a little box
& mixed stone etc."
8 |
An uneventful day.
9 |
"Mother far from well, in bed all day. Went to church with Rosa. Rather dull weather, Father did not go
out. Pippa & I went to the Strauss concert.The room seems small, but we enjoyed it on the whole. Don Juan & Tod &
Verkl�rung were fine. Dr. S. said Mother really had influenza & must take great care."
10 |
"Influenza & worries"
11 |
"Mother rather better. Pippa & I went to our lesson, & she came here & went out to lunch at
Babington�s Tea Rooms. In the afternoon, Father & I went down by the river, & in to the Corea, fine hall nearly
finished now & into the sale, he bid for a very nice old picture of the Madonna but did not succeed in getting it."
12 |
"Mother really rather better. Father & I went out shopping in the morning, after lunch we took a
tram to the Piazza del Popolo, & there changed into another for Ponte Molle. We took the road which leads straight
on & walked a good distance along it, in perfect county peace & quiet, found a few little flowers. Glorious sun, &
so lovely to be out of the town. Mother up for the first time in the evening,"
13 |
"Mother getting on & up again in the Evening. Went to my lesson with Pippa, had Signoria a Curabolo,
so nice. Went to hockey in the afternoon, had such a good game though late beginning. I shot a goal!"
14 |
"Father & I went directly after breakfast to the Farnesina, to see the Raphael frescoes of Pysche &
Cupid, very disappointing, after we went to S. Maria in Frastevere, such a nice church, & we had such a nice guide who
showed us everything of interest � the mosaics over the tribune are most beautiful & the pillars are lovely. Mother
better, & up soon after lunch. I went to Pippa to lunch, & spent the afternoon there reading etc. Father went to the
Embassy party, rather trying he said."
15 |
Alice writes to Alfred Littleton: "I am just allowed in the drawing room again after 10 days of
influenza, so you may think this whole last month has been somewhat dreary. I am thankful to say we are both better now
& Carice has been extremely well. We have had very bright days with hot sun but hard frosts & very cold in the shade.
I hope now it will be milder & more equable & that we shall be able to have a few excursions & escape the noise of
Rome for a few hours -"
16 |
"Mother better & up, went to church with Rosa & after we all 3 went to Pippa�s to lunch. After lunch,
Father & Pippa went together to the concert, at least at 4 o�clock the first in the Corea, only stayed a little time,
very poor orchestra & annoying orchestra. In the afternoon, Dr. Smallpeice came to syringe Mother�s ear which was most
17 |
"Did not go out in the morning, Mother better & up before lunch. Father went out with Pippa to choose
a piano, & then he had to go to the Doria & Colona gallery the former was shut & he could not find his way into the
other, In the afternoon, Mother & I went a drive over the Janiculum, very nice, only Father did not come with us
after all. Lovely springlike day."
18 |
"Pippa & I went for our Italian. Had Sgr. Romano. Wet day, drove there & back. Father went to the
Doria Gallery, & admired the Velasquez enormously. Mother did not go out at all as it was too wet & damp."
19 |
"A. & C. in Miss Fane�s carriage to Tomb of C. Metella - Saw Church Quo Vadis also - Campagna lovely."
20 |
Elgar writes to Henry Clayton: "Many thanks for your enquiries: I have had influenza & as far as rest
& quiet go our visit is quite hopeless & I can write nothing here except short trifles."
21 |
"E. A. C. & Pippa to Doria Gallery. A. cd. only stay short time."
22 |
"Father went & arranged about lessons at the Berlitz. I drove with Mother to Dr. S�s where she was
inspected! & we walked back. In the afternoon, we had a most delightful drive with the Contesse Gigliucci, to the
Tombe of Nerone, the view was not very clear as it as misty, but very lovely effects all the same. The Tombe is
just a small tomb near the road. We got out to look more closely but so many dogs came round us, we thought it better
to retire. Drove home the same way, on the way back, the footman got down, & pointed out a small sort of monument,
which was erected to the memory of a man who had been killed, while they were manipulating a balloon. They took us
to Latour�s (Palazzo Colonna) to have tea, & were so charming & nice. My favourite is Contessa Porzia, but the other
is so nice too. Pippa came in the evening. Mother very much enjoyed the drive, & seemed better all day."
23 |
"E. & C. to see Max Fiedler."
24 |
"E. & C. to Castle S. Angelo in morning. To Pippa�s Monday tea - Count Bonaparte Primoli - oh!
such a creature."
25 |
"Went to my Italian with Pippa. & back to lunch with her, & M. & F. came too. We were to have gone to
the American college for tennis but it was too wet. We went home about 3."
26 |
"A. & C. to Sistine Chapel. E. met us in Piazza - To tea Don Roffredo, Pippa & Max Fiedler - Nice aftn.
All stayed long & had long talks."
27 |
"Went to my lesson with Pippa & after lunch to hockey, a very good game indeed."
28 |
"E. busy correcting his booful Pt Songs not out much - After tea E. A. & C. to Brit. School. Dreadful
Lecturer on Muragli of Sardinia."
29 |
"Fairly fine. In the afternoon Mother & I went a long drive round leaving notes & paying calls, to
the Broadwoods, & Via Mascheroni & ended by going to tea with Mr. Hubbard."
Death of Reverend Benjamin Waugh, founder of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
The Mauretania sets new record time for an eastbound Atlantic passage of five days, five minutes.
Birth of U.S. actress Joan Crawford.
Home Rule Bill for Ireland passed by the House of Commons.
March |
1 |
"Father & I went out early & took a tram to the Costanzi where we took tickets for the Barber of
Seville at 4. Came back & went to church at S. Silvestro. Prof. Max Fiedler came to lunch, out first luncheon party, &
a great success. Mother & Pippa went to the concert which they enjoyed pretty well! Father & I went off & thoroughly
enjoyed our Barbieri, the Soprano was not good & common. Basilio splendid the others fair."
2 |
"Stormy & gray. E. & C. for walk C. to tea with Pippa - Dr. Smallpeice & Andrea to tea -"
3 |
"Father & I went up to the Costanzi & took tickets for the Barbieri again for the afternoon. Went to
the Berlitz but found it all shut up, Festa! Went to Piazza Colonna to try & warn Pippa, but missed her. In the p.m.
went to the opera, & sat there solidly to the end this time. Enjoyed it thoroughly, Basilio was very fine."
4 |
"In the morning we went to the Exhibition �Belli Arti�, not many pictures that we cared to look at
twice! But nice to have seen it."
5 |
"E. & A. for delightful murk to S. Giorgio in Velabro - & S. Maria di Comedin - Palazzo Cenci,
Fontane Tarteraghe &c - A. took C. to P. Balestra for Hockey -"
6 |
"C. with Smallpeice party to Frascati. E. A. & Pippa to S. John Lateran - Christian Museum. Then E. & A.
to Restaurant Castelli dei Cesari - Lovely view, sunny & delightful. A. & Pippa to tea at the Excelsior & called at
7 |
"Damp & Chilly E. & C. murked - Churches - A. & C. after lunch called Mrs. Wynn damp & raining. E. &
Pippa to Cinemeto garden."
8 |
Alice writes to Alice Kilburn: "We are now, I hope, recovered from a long time of Influenza first E. &
then me, & it seems to have taken weeks out of our time. I am only just beginning to feel a little hardy again. E. I am
thankful to say is looking well & quite steeped in Roman lore & associations & Carice has been most flourishing. We
shall not love England any the less, there is much which is fare more lovable in that blessed Isle, but we shall, I
know, miss the bright vivid colouring & the ample space, of buildings & ruins &c � besides the endless interest of
churches & monuments & art."
9 |
William McNaught writes to Elgar: "I have been gazing at �There is sweet music� and am longing to hear
it done by a real live choir. It will give some conductors a bad quarter of an hour."
10 |
"C. & Pippa to American Academy. E. & A. to Lateran Museo."
11 |
"E. A. & C. to S. Peters to the Crypt, Mr. Hubbard & party. Very interesting. Dined with Pippa. E. & A.
to Embassy. Portraits vivants. Great crowd -"
12 |
"Went to my Italian with Pippa. Father went to the Opera to get tickets for Tosca that evening. Mother
went to lunch with Miss Fayne, & she & I went to pay one or two calls later, ending with tea at Lady Deed�s. In the
evening we went to Tosca, it was very exciting, & well done, I thoroughly enjoyed it, & so did we all."
13 |
"E. A. & C. to S. Stefan Rotundo & S. Paul & S. John - Most interesting. Lovely exhilarating morning.
Tea party at home. Mrs. Meynell, Dr. & Miss M. Maartens, Mr. Hubbard, Fosters, Mrs. Shaw, Major Guise Mr. Godsall.
Abbot Gasquet. In Evening to Hotel Bristol where Mrs. Foster had Sistine Chapel singers pleasant time but very trying
14 |
"E. A. & C. met Major Guise & party about 3. at Trastevere & walked to the Pamfili Doria Villa. Cold
wind but lovely sun - Sat & walked in the grounds had lunch on a bank in the Sun"
15 |
"Wet but warmer - Too wet all the morning to go out but finer later. All to lunch with Pippa. E. & A.
to Cinemetograph C. & Pippa to Concert. Pauzner - Sgambatis to dinner. Much music & nice Evening."
16 |
"E. A. & C. to Palazzo Massimo. A. & C. to tea with Pippa. Very interesting to see the Palazzo, open
that day in commemoration of S. Philip Neri."
17 |
"E. & A. to Dr. Smallpeice. Doctored A.'s lip. A. to lunch with Pippa. Met Mrs. Meynell. Very wet -
E. to french."
18 |
"Dined with Pippa & all to Opera Meistersinger. Very curious in Italian dress."
19 |
"Warm nice morning. E. & A. to see things on Sale. Mrs. Meynell to Sale with E. & A. Pleasant tea at
home. Mrs. Meynell Dr. Ashby, Mr. Godsall Smallpeices Sina. Renzi &c."
20 |
"Had a ghost party Mrs. Meynell Dr. Ashby, Mr. Godsal whom we asked to come with us to Nemi."
21 |
"E. to Aventine. to Abbot Gasquet S. Benedict's Day. Met many interesting people, liked it all. A. &
C. with Mr. Godsall to Nemi - Lovely day."
22 |
"E. very busy. A. & C. to San Sylvestro, & Pincian. Hot like Summer. E. A. & C. to lunch with Pippa -
Thomasina came -"
23 |
"E. busy. E. A. C. & Pippa to lunch on the Aventine. Lovely. Then to Protestant Cemetery - At 6 E. & A.
to Palazzo Caetani. Most nice visit. D. & D. Sermoneta & Don Roffredo."
24 |
"Went to my lesson with Pippa. Mother & Pippa & I drove out to American Galley, really could not stay
for tennis as had to be back at 5."
25 |
"Dined with Pippa. E. & she to Madame Butterfly -"
26 |
Elgar writes to Charles Lee Williams: "I have just received the full score of the little suite which
you kindly allowed me to dedicate to you. I am asking Messrs. Novello to send you a copy: this you should receive soon.
I should like to have added an inscription � but I can do this in the summer, D.V. where I shall hope to cycle over &
write your name with a treeeeeeeeeeeeemblinnnnnnnnnnng hand � after a 30 miles spin (Beer!)"
27 |
"Left home at 9. Arr. Florence, rather nice journey with Sig. Placci - Went out & over Ponte Vecchio
- &c - Stayed at Hotel New York -"
28 |
"To the Uffizi all morning, Afternoon - Walked about To new opera Fausta in Evening - inane -"
29 |
"Poured with rain the whole day without stopping. Did not go out all day. Mother & Father went out
in the morning to the Pitti & to Santa Croce, Pippa too, Did not go out again. Pippa out in the p.m. Father tried to go
to theatre but crowds."
30 |
"To San Marco - lovely morning. Saw the Bambini on the Hospital & the Church of the Annunziata
Afternoon Piazza Mangelo - to call on Markes."
31 |
"E. & C. to the Pitti & thro� to the Uffizi. To Fiesole in afternoon. A. & C. up to the Francescan
Convent -"
Birth of actress Bette Davis.
The Danish Parliament grants vote to men and women over 25.
The Cunard liner Mauretania beats the previous Atlantic crossing record by one minute.
Death of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Liberal Prime Minister 1905-8.
Wolverhampton Wanderers beat Newcastle United 3-1 in the F.A. Cup final at Crystal Palace.
April |
1 |
"Went to Bargello. In the p.m. Pippa was engaged so we 3 went to Fiesole."
2 |
"Saw Benozzo Gozzoli Palazzo Riceardi Or Michaele & Churches. After lunch to Cauti Galli chose a
Della Robbia &c - Walked about -"
3 |
"Saw Palazzo Vecchio & shopped. Left by 1 - Stuffy train - Arr. Rome 6.30. Found Strike. Man with
barrow took luggage. Mail carts guarded by armed soldiers."
4 |
Alice writes to Vera Raikes: "Just a line to tell you we are back from Florence where we had a delightful
week. We find such a strange Rome � not a carriage, not a train, not an omnibus, shops closed, all the Post Carts guarded
by soldiers with muskets & soldiers everywhere. Most interesting to see � The stillness is so extraordinary after the
noise generally here. Fortunately one thoughtful servant has a man & barrow to meet the train & it was a lovely evening
to walk home."
5 |
"A. & C. to S. Sylvestro. E. by hissouse. E. & C. for walk after lunch. A. & Pippa to Concert.
Busoni - hopeless orchestra!"
6 |
"E. raser tired still. A. to Dr. Smallpeice, lip - E. A. & C. to Baths of Caracalla after lunch -
very nice. Don Roffredo to tea. E. played to him. Dined with Pippa."
7 |
"Very stormy & gale - gah - E. C. & Pippa to Cinemetograph Sacred - very impressive."
8 |
Elgar writes to May Grefton: "I went to a solemn lunch at S. Anselm's (Abbot Gasquet] ) it was very
nice indeed: St. Benedict's day: guests were Prince Radziwill, Lord G. Fitzgerald, a Belgian minister & me. We dined
in Hall & amongst other amusements were entertained by an old-one of the last of them-Improvisatoro! Words were given
to him - which he read out & then he recited poems on them: very clever indeed & - useless but distinctly amusing."
9 |
Elgar writes to Tertius Noble: "I was very glad to hear all your news & that Gerontius is really to
be given in York under your sympathetic direction: good luck to you & your chorus."
10 |
"E. & A. to P. Orsini. Brodsky 4t. very delightful & well arranged."
11 |
Luigi Mancinelli writes to Elgar: "I was exceedingly sorry to hear that your eyes were bad enough to
prevent your being present at my concert and I hope that you will soon be better. Your note was brought to me just as
I was about to begin the �Gerontius Pr�lude� which was played by the orchestra �con amore� and greeted by the public
with a sincere burst of applause."
12 |
"Mother & I went to S. Peter�s. It was very nice to see the procession."
13 |
"Very wet - did not go to last 4t. Concert - or Pippa�s tea -"
14 |
"C. to Italian -"
15 |
"A. & C. to Tenebrae at S. Luigi dei Francesi. A. & C. to call at P. Orsini. & Jays. Tea at Embassy -
Dr. & Mrs. Brodsky to dinner. very nice Evening - E. played to them."
16 |
"A. took C. to Hockey. Dr. S. did A's lip again. To Quirinal Piazza to hear band. Saw Ld. Northampton
unexpectedly. Came to see us after dinner."
17 |
"E. met Ld N. & boy & showed them things A. & C. to Monsigr. Vaughan's Sermon S. Sylvestro in P.M.
Lord Northampton & boy to tea & long visit - E. played to him."
18 |
"E. A. & C. to buy Censer for Pippa. To many Churches & Mamertine Priest & S. Luca Accademia - E. &
Pippa in P.M. to Sacred Play. A. & C. shopping &c preparing for visit to Sistine Chapel."
19 |
It was Easter Sunday: "Made L�ry to lunch & tea. Wet morning. A. & C. to Sistine Chapel at 6.30 - Saw
the Pope enter, but miserable places & failure of any beauty or impressiveness came away. Dined with Pippa. E. played
Apostles - E. & C. in morning to S. John Lateran."
20 |
"Very wet. E. & C. long murk to Quo Vadis, Tombs of the Scipios & Churches. C. to Pippa�s tea. Lady
Alice Fitzwilliam came & stayed to tea. Very wet."
21 |
"Blowing, disagreeable. A. to Dr. Smallpeice - E. & A. to French about packing China &c -"
22 |
Elgar writes to Ivor Atkins: "We are just packing up & I am rather in a hurried mood. I have just read
your wire & have sent a reply. I am sorry about the new work but it is impossible, & has been impossible in this noisy
place to settle down to any work of any length beyond the part-songs which you will soon see. I cannot afford a studio!"0
23 |
"Went with Pippa to Italian, had a nice lesson, Signorina Cesano. Came home & went to hockey, shot
2 goals!"
24 |
"Had a lovely French lesson. After Mother & I went out & did shopping. I bought the other little
temple, a Sta Ceclia, & p.cs. Father not very well. Luthe afternoon Don Roffredo came to tea & played Father some of
his music. Also Hubbards & Pippa. After dinner Mother & I went to the Gigliuccis, & had such a pleasant visit."
25 |
"Fine morning but cloudy. F. & M. went to the Vatican Sculpture then to the Villa Madama had lunch at
the Olins, then to Papa Giulio & home about 4-30. Father much better. To his lesson in the evening. I spent all day
with Pippa reading outside in her loggia etc."
26 |
Roffredo Caetani writes to Elgar: "Would you and Lady Elgar like to drive in the motor tomorrow and go
and see the castle of Sermoneta.- I would come and fetch you at 9.30 tomorrow morning, we would lunch at the castle
(40 miles from Rome) and be back towards 5 o/clock. Countess Spoelberch would come with us (she is a very interesting
lady of Brussels very much occupied with art and a great admirer of yours and she would wish so much to make your
acquaintance) As with you and Lady Elgar we would be four I am afraid that there would be no room for Miss Elgar,
except if you did not mind sitting with me in front."
27 |
"E. & A. with Don Roffredo & Vicomtes Shoelberch to Sermoneta in motor. Lovely day & wonderful country.
Old wonderful Castle & town - Don Gelaseo Griscoms Parishs & another to lunch - Lovely drive back - Ninfa most striking
C.�s first dinner party."
28 |
"E. took photographs. A. & C. a little shopping &c - E. A. & C. to dinner at Palazzo Caetani - Duke &
Duchess, 3 Polignacs, Prince Caramanchimag, Countess Grefuhle, Don Roffredo & brother & 2 other men - Caetanis always
delightful -"
29 |
"E. & C. to Tivoli - A. raser a cold. Lovely hot day. E. & C. enjoyed it vesy muss."
30 |
Elgar writes to Dr. John Borland: "Am about to leave for Naples. I enclose cheque for one guinea for
the Cummings Address. Thank you for arrange for me to sign the memorial on passing through town without inconvenience
to yourself. I fear it will not be possible for me to be in London in June but we can talk of this later."
In Britain a proposed Official Secrets Bill is postponed owing to press objections.
In Washington crowds see the arrival of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.
Birth of the American actor James Stewart.
The Wright brothers register a flying machine at the U.S. Patent Office.
Birth of the British writer Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond books.
May |
1 |
Packing up.
2 |
Elgar write to Ivor Atkins about the forthcoming Three Choirs Festival: "You have done nobly. I
congratulate you on the list. It really looks fine & I am delighted."
3 |
Packing up.
4 |
"Very busy arranging departure dined with Pippa -"
5 |
"A. felt vesy badsley, Dr. Smallpeice came to see her. Inventory in P.M. Lunched with Pippa.
Omnibus late. E. & C. came in it with luggage. A. & Pippa by cab, nearly 2 accidents & then drove into tram,
horrid sight - had to walk on. Major Guise to see us off arrived Naples about 11 P.M."
6 |
"Lovely day. At Parkers Hotel. To Holmes about passage - then lunch at primitive restaurant & to
Museo - More wonderful than ever - Saw picture galleries & wonderful bronzes in them -"
7 |
"A. badsley cold. Stayed in bed. E. & C. to Pompei - Had a satisfactory day."
8 |
"Busy packing &c. Started after lunch & arrived fairly comfortably on Ship - Ortona - Lovely day. E.
very small cabin A. raser mis. about it."
9 |
"Lovely day, pleasant voyage. Saw Sardinia & Corsica &c -"
10 |
At sea.
11 |
At sea.
12 |
At sea.
13 |
At sea.
14 |
"Blowy & not very interesting."
15 |
"Reached Plymouth. Sailed along south coast. Many landed there. Less cold."
16 |
"Reached Tilbury Early. breakfasted about 8. Waited till 1 before train started. Wearisome. Went to
Langham. Frank came to see us very soon & sent A. lovely roses. To Diana Dobson's in Evening -"
17 |
"E. badsley headache. A. & C. to Westminster Cathedral then to see Frank. E. came then & went with
Frank to Miss Schuster's then to L. Williams. then to Beresfords. Enjoyed his souse."
18 |
"E. A. & C. to Mr. L. Williams. E. & C. to "When Knights were bold""
19 |
"C. to Mr. L. Williams. A. & C. to Academy then to Norwood. A. returned late. E. & A. dined at Langham."
20 |
"A. busy shopping. E. vesy busy. E. & A. to Nikisch Concert at 3. heard the wonderful Variations
Nikisch took odd tempi. E. & A. to Meistersinger. P. Pitt's box, dined with him & Mr. Kalisch at the Waldorf.
Wonderful orchestra."
21 |
"Dear Dr. Richter called early A. to Mr. L. Williams? Shopped E. busy. E. & A. to Gay Lord Qeux -
very fine & rather terrible - Hare wonderful."
22 |
"C. came up from Norwood to Mr. L. Williams with K. Dighton, then to Langham. Shopped - took C. to
Mr. W. Lang. Good report D.G. E. to Tristan in Lady Charles' box - A. & C. busy. Saw Corolla pixtures."
23 |
"A. & C. heard Band play March in D. at Buckingham Palace in A.M. Very busy packing after taking C.
to Mr. L. Williams. E. met A. & C. at S. Pancras. A. & C. had been to Albert Hall & heard Land of Hope & the splendid
Marching Song. Then all to Ridgehurst."
24 |
"E. A. & C. at Ridgehurst. Mr. Pollock, Mr. R. Buhlig, Mrs. Wedgwood Mr. Shakespeare Mr. & Mrs.
Pownall - very nice visit."
25 |
"E. A. & C. left Ridgehurst 10.30? A. unpacked for E. at Langham then home with C. Found May dear
all well & house beginning to be arranged -"
26 |
"E. at Langham - Hard days at house."
27 |
"Hard days at house - Hard work at house."
28 |
"C. & May to Church. Still working hard at house -"
29 |
"E. returned 5 train. Connolly Cab. very well D.G. Began looking at letters &c. Very fine & warm &
30 |
"E. vesy peased with house & country. Began struggling with mass of correspondence."
31 |
"C. & May to Belmont. Very hot. Dr. Sinclair Rose & Mr. Brevett & Mr. Hull to tea."
Opening of the Rotherhithe Tunnel under the River Thames.
The German Reichstag passes a fourth navy bill, calling for sharp increase in shipbuilding.
At Wimbledon, Charlotte Sterry, 37, becomes the oldest ladies' champion.
Lord Northcliffe buys The Times from the Walter family.
In London, Suffragettes besiege the House of Commons.
June |
1 |
"E. depressed about bicycling on account of Motors."
2 |
"E.'s dear birthday. Rather depressed. Short ride & much clearing & arranging."
3 |
Elgar writes to Jaeger: "I can only write sadly about myself - I have done some good work in my life &
now I can only get orders (which will keep my people in necessaries) for rot of kinds & I must do it. I have no
intention of completing my oratorio cycle or whatever it is"
4 |
"E. C. & May out for bicycling day to escape vacuum cleaner."
5 |
"Plate chest fetched. Connolly cab. Lovely weather."
6 |
"Lovely hot day. E. busy. Box from Rome came. Great unpacking, pretty ladies &c -"
7 |
"A. raser badsley not out. E. & C. & May to Belmont. Troyte came to lunch."
8 |
"A. vesy badsley, had Dr. Collens & had to stay in bed. Troyte left in P.M. E. badsley headache.
Found pretty ladies were signs of Zodiac -"
9 |
"A. badsley - Dr. Collens -"
10 |
"Dr. Collens came."
11 |
"Dr. Collens came - E's new booful carpet put down."
12 |
"Dr. Sinclair & Ivor Atkins came up in P.M. E. played them his Pt. Songs - & went to the practise Fest.
after dinner."
13 |
Elgar writes to Jaeger: "I can't answer your letter at this moment. I can't say I have anything more
important to do, but it must be done & done now. Oh! such a tune"
14 |
"A. better. Dr. Collens came. E. not vesy well - went for ride late with C."
15 |
Alice writes to Jaeger: "Mrs. Worthington is here for a night & sends her love & says she is coming to
see you. She will have it put in the N.Y. Review so do arrange that. E. sends his love, you have heard from him by now,
& he wants to say to you the �Sym. is AI� it is gorgeous, steeped in beauty. he is quite absorbed in it."
16 |
"Pippa left 12.50. Connolly car cab. E. working. Did carpentering all the aftn. A. walked in garden."
17 |
At work on the symphony.
18 |
"E. C. & May to Belmont - Lovely day. A. to Worcester to see house for Fest. Went over the Chappells
house called at the Atkins - & so home -"
19 |
"E. deep in his musics - Lovely weather -"
20 |
"A. wrote to take King's School House for Fest."
21 |
"E. & A. not out, Mrs. Giles to tea. E. played Symphony to her."
22 |
"E. deep in his musics."
23 |
"Dora Penny came - Cycled from Wolverhampton."
24 |
"Dr. Sinclair & Dr. C. Palmer dined here. Very pleasant Evening - E. played his pt. Songs & Symphony."
25 |
Elgar writes to Ivor Atkins: "I am so deadly sorry - I have been sick & ailing in the poitrine & lower:
better now, but the doctor thinks I must potter about here a little. The Symphony grows - a squalling child with teeth
& hair, look you."
26 |
"Dora Penny left riding to Gloucester. Ivor Atkins came up late. E. in bed headache. Transported with
Tilly Koenen in Gerontius."
27 |
Wulstan Atkins recalls: "Atkins went up to Plas Gwyn, where he found Elgar in bed with
severe earache. They talked about Koenen, and Elgar told him that the symphony was now progressing fast."
28 |
"Lovely day E. & A. at 8 to Town Church -"
E. & C. rode late -
29 |
"E. wrote all day, possessed with his Symphony. Rode & then went to Fest. Rehearsal -"
30 |
Elgar made a note on a symphony sketch: "painted the Tub green."
The Medical Journal 'The Lancet' decrees that men who wear coloured shirts are slovenly.
A Papal decree says that the U.K., U.S.A., Canada, and Holland are no longer missionary lands.
At the Olympic Games in London Melvin Sheppard takes gold in the 1,500 meters and equals the world record.
Fire breaks out in Moorgate tube station in London.
July |
1 |
"Pt. Songs, wonderful came. E. to Birmingham at 2.20 - Connolly cab. Meeting Bir�m Concert Committee
Rode home with C. & May."
2 |
Frank Schuster writes to Alice: "Thank you for the wonderful epoch making 4 part songs � they are to
the older kind what E�s oratorios are to the �Elijah�!"
3 |
"Good news of E. Saw Mr. Littleton. Long meeting Musical League - Very hot day, Mrs. Humphreys to tea."
4 |
"Very hot. E. went to the Hut. Found Miss Schuster there - Enjoyed his souse thoroughly."
5 |
"E. played his Symphony. F. quite wild with enthusiasm. Max Beerbohm there too."
6 |
"E. & Frank to London - E. stayed at Langham. A. to Cox & Painter Connolly cab & bought velvet dress
- tea with Fittons very pleasant time there."
7 |
"E. home all safes, D.G. by corridor - Connolly - Full of the pleasant visit & sympathetic society.
Looked so well."
8 |
"Stormy day. The King & Queen passed through Hereford in aftn. Tickets for platform sent us, but E.
did not like to go like that. E. & A. saw the Royal train steam some way. Groups in fields to see it - E. settling down
to his Symphony again. Dr. Collens came."
9 |
George Moore writes to Elgar: "Again you have disappeared and I do not know why! You seemed glad to
see me when I met you in London; and I gave you �The Lake� and Lord Howard de Walden�s play which you liked when I
told you the story. Did the reading discourage you from all thought of using it as a libretto?"
10 |
"Very wild wind &,torrents of rain. Lilies & Campanulas blown about. Lilies lovely. E. immersed in
his Symphony. Ivor Atkins came about 4. E. & he had a little walk. lvor to Rehearsal."
11 |
"E. to Birmingham 8.40 train. Connolly cab. A. not very well & not let go - Very wild & stormy.
Ivor Atkins by same train. E. was in the procession - Dreadfully bad headache - Home 6.40. Stray cab."
12 |
Elgar writes to John West about the piano arrangements of the second Wand of Youth Suite: "I
find the arrangement excellent & thank you for the trouble you have taken. One or two suggestions are on the proof but
don't adopt them unless you think fit."
13 |
Elgar writes to Toni de Navarro: "I am very busy with a symphony - twenty years ago I should have
thoughtlessly said 'my' symphony: but I have lived long enough to know nothing is mine - certainly not the sounds
one is permitted to weave together."
14 |
Tonia Speyer writes from Ridgehurst: "We are so inexpressibly happy and proud of the bit of the
concerto which he gave my husband! The latter came up rushing to me to tell me of it this morning at once and we are
both most deeply grateful for and touched by this so exquisitely delicate thought of Edward�s! �"
15 |
Elgar writes to Troyte Griffith: "I wish you would help me over the necessary stone for my father &
mother's grave: can't I have something nice? must two honest old burghers have a trade-memento - bought by the dozen?
And then about material? What is possible for a lean purse with expensive tastes? Cast off your assumed brute-selfishness
& help me - I believe you wrote it out for me once but, if so it's lost & I'm knowledgeless. Perhaps you will come over
on Sunday & all will do then but something shd. be done soon."
16 |
In response to an invitation to the Three Choirs Festival, Arthur Benson writes to Alice: "I wish to
thank you for your kindest of invitations, but regret to say that I dare not accept it, because I am so uncertain what
my movements will be for the next two or three months. I expect that I shall probably be away travelling in September,
as am still by no means well, and am most anxious to return to Cambridge for next term � I have never yet been able
to throw off entirely the sleeplessness from which I was suffering last Autumn, and though I am in many ways much
better than I was, I am still obliged to consult, and what is worse, obey the doctors! It is a great disappointment to
me to have to write thus, especially which I look at the list of works to be performed. But I am none the less grateful
to you and Sir Edward for your kindness."
17 |
"E. Connelly cab. E. to Worcester 9.40 Fest Committee Meeting made blazing speech Lunched with
Leicesters. Visited cemetery. Afterwards to I. Atkins & Cathedral. Home 7.45 stray cab. A. to Cox & Painter - Connolly
cab corridor (sic) - Very stormy. Walked to Miss Smarts & talked a long time. Miss S. very fragile but dear as ever.
Lawn & Hills looked very lovely & full of memories."
18 |
Work continues on the Symphony.
19 |
"E. C. & May to Belmont & lovely ride, Lower Eaton &c afterwards. A. to Church at 11 - hotter."
20 |
"Fine at last though a little threatening E. very hard at work & very tired. too windy."
21 |
Walford Davies writes to Elgar: "I am so glad you are writing or have written a Symphony. It is
great news. And is the Third Part of the Apostles going on? I hope the Finale will transcend it all. "
22 |
"E. had proofs of P. & Circumstance No.4 - Worked at them all the morning. Heavy thunderstorm &
torrents of rain again in the afternoon - Mr. S. Powell arrived before 7. E. met him with Connolly cab. Rain washed
gravel under gate difficult to open for guest."
23 |
"Lovely weather. E. working at speed. A. & Mrs. Capper to Symond's garden party - Connolly Victoria -"
24 |
"E. hard at work. Dr. Sinclair came up."
25 |
"E. working all day - Lovely weather - trying to arrange Ostende Concert. E. & A. dined with Dr.
Sinclair -"
26 |
Francesco Berger writes from the Royal Philharmonic Society: "It will afford the Directors infinite
gratification if you will conduct an entire Concert in their approaching season:- and in order to be able to include
your new Symphony (after Richter will have played it) they ask you to do so on the 3 March. You can scarcely form any
idea of how much your consent means, and how earnestly they hope you will accept their invitation."
27 |
"A. with Mrs. Underwood to Miss Cresswells - E. C. & May to Ullinswick."
28 |
Symphony writing!
29 |
"A. & C. to London at 6.20 Connolly cab. Went to Pippa C. to Mr. L. Williams with Pippa. Dr.
Smallpeice came & lunched Saw A. & C. Both with Pippa to horrid play. Then to Paddington & so home 10 P.M. Trust
Dr. advice will help. E. had had a day's writing."
30 |
Lord Northampton writes to Elgar: "How I should like to be with you & have you at Worcester but I shall
be in Scotland & the distance is too great. Why do all the finest things come at the wrong time?"
31 |
"E. returned by the late train enjoyed seeing Warwick depressed at Birmgm. prospects gloomy.
Connolly cab. Expected M. Lyons till midnight. A. & C. to the Stanhopes - Sale of work &c"
Enrico Caruso's wife elopes; his comment - "It was the very thing I desired".
Seventy-three miners are killed ina pit explosion in Lancashire pit explosion. There are only three survivors.
In Constantinople a fire destroys 2,000 homes and shops.
Birth of U.S.A President Lyndon Baines Johnson.
August |
1 |
Elgar writes to Richter about the symphony: "... two movements go the printer; it is not good enough
for you."
2 |
Alice writes to Canon Gorton: "Edward sends much love, he is rapt in his Symphony & can hardly bear to
leave it. I trust you & Mrs. Gorton will hear it some day, it seems to me wonderful, so noble & beautiful."
3 |
"Very very hot. E. hard at work. Mrs. Wedgewood & boy came Early saw C.�s flower collection & lunched
then A. & C. with them in car for long drive & plant hunting."
4 |
"Very fine but became windy & cloudy. E. rapt in his Scherzo. Worked all day. Short ride after tea."
5 |
"Not so hot. E. trying to finish his Scherzo. Very badly all P.M. distressingly so. C. to Acworths -
Connolly cab. Pippa came Connolly cab - E. better in Evening. Pippa brought the birdies. E. better & able to be down
in Evening."
6 |
"E. at work - Pippa for walk into town &c -"
7 |
"All for lovely drive, Connelly Car, to Grosmont. Saw Castle & Church. E. & A. to see the Catholic
Church & Priest. Most lovely. Brilliant hot day - played Cribbage! Pippa excited."
8 |
"Lovely day. Pippa ordered car & took is to Tintern - Perfectly lovely drive & place. Spent long time
there, lovely drive back rather late. E. loved it all -"
9 |
Elgar writes to Carice: "This is to say that Peter is well & extremely active & seems to enjoy his roof
garden very much. We leave tomorrow for Ostend at 6.20 (!) and arrive at about 7.30."
10 |
"Pippa left. Connelly cab. Left (E. & A.) at 6-20. Connolly cab nearly missed train. Left luggage at
Charing Cross, went to Novellos & E. left the first movements of his Symphony, then to L. Williams but engaged, & then
to Stores, lunched there & back to Charing Cross & started at 2.20. Lovely voyage. Princess Elizabeth Secy met us.
Hated the Hotel du Rhone."
11 |
Alice writes to Carice: "Hotel du Phare Ostende. Tuesday. Here all safe. Faser muss better, Splendid
orch, & all going on well. Not a minute. Dear love yr. C.A.E."
12 |
"Rehearsal at 9.30 - but rather delayed by ladies rehearsing. Splendid rehearsal. Ruiskopf & Secy &c
mad about Variations. Tinel &c listening. E. to lunch at Kursaal with Ruiskopf, Secy, Blitz, Tinel, V. D'Indy, Gilson,
Bosch &c. Very pleasant time. To Lakm� in Evg. Most shocked - left after 2nd Act."
13 |
Alice writes to Carice: "So glad to have card & hope you have nice weather. Blowing & pouring here.
Splendid rehearsal, Caractacus March gorgeous. Orch breaks into applause continually. Quite enjoying ourselves. Kursaal
very comfortable & concert every evening. Opera last evening. Very dull. Did not stay to last act. Leave Saturday ab 11."
14 |
"E. to Rehearsal at 10. A. went up soon. T. Koenen did not come till about 11. Rehearsal splendid.
Afterwards E. rehearsed Koenen with piano - then back to Phau. Wet, then cleared & E. & A. to end of Pier lovely air
& sun. Dr. Blitz to dinner & drove to Hall together. Brilliant fanfare from Orch greeted E. In the South Splendid
Koenen did not know her Songs but made some effect. Piano parts rather lost in rustle of vast audience (7000?)
Great ovation & then suddenly �God Save the King' most stirring & affecting, proud to be English. Then E. recalled
again & again. Then E. changed in Ruiskopf�s room, & we were invited to a �petit berre de Champagne� & sat with
Ruiskopf, Secy. & Dr. Blitz to a very late hour - Hotel turned out quite nice & friendly"
15 |
"E. & A. left Hotel du Phau & went on board the L�opold 11. Lovely morning. About 1 hour late in
starting. Nice Secy. came on board to see us. Very crowded but lovely day & Sea. Arr. Charing Cross about 1 hr.
late so went to Langham. E. & A. to Queen's Hall Promenade Concert after dinner. 1st Wand of Youth & March No. 4 much
16 |
Elgar writes to Alfred Littleton: "We are safely back so far but the steamer was so late yesterday that
we could not get through to Hereford as we had intended. Everything was a great success at Ostend & most pleasantly
arranged & carried out. A splendid orchestra & a joy to conduct."
17 |
"E. & A. at the Langham. E. to Glyn & Novello. A. a little shopping. Then to Paddington with luggage
& on to Exhn. Pictures magnificent E. very careful of A. taxies & Bath Chair! Zank Zu - Home 6.10 train - Connolly cab."
18 |
"E. feeling his way to his Symphony again. A. busy with house. Dr. Collens came -"
19 |
"A. very busy trying to make house as nice as possible. E. hard at work at Slow movement. Mr. & Mrs.
Speyer arrived at.5. E. & C. met them. Connolly cab. (ours). Dear to have & so happy to come. The grey day cleared &
we had lovely walk to river by Littey in sunshine. They loved it! Very nice evening."
20 |
"Mr. & Mrs. Speyer here. Very gray & wet. Ordered car but too wet to go. All but A. to Cathedral in P.M.
& much enjoyed it. Ivor Atkins & Troyte arrived. All very congenial spirits & very nice Evening."
21 |
"Mr. & Mrs. Speyer left at 12.50. Connolly cab, he sd. he shd pay. Said they had never enjoyed a visit
so much & dear Tonia seemed so happy. None of us out afterwards."
22 |
"E. playing La Tosca, & going on orchestrating Slow movement. After lunch he & May for long ride to
Hole in the Wall & tea at Ross & so home. In Evening played Tosca, Barbiere & then Meistersinger."
23 |
"Very wet - E. finished orchestrating the slow movement of Symphony. Most beautiful."
24 |
"E. busy with his swallows & fitting up stable for Chemistry."
25 |
Working at the Symphony.
26 |
Working at the Symphony.
27 |
"E. deep in Finale of Symphony. A. C. & May by 12.50 train. Connolly cab to Worcester & Malvern.
A. went over house again & to Cathedral Rehearsal with Lady Croft. Connolly cab part of way home -"
28 |
"E. very busy, finished practically, sketch of Finale. For a short ride. A. & C. to Lamberts. Met
Anna Palmer from old, olden days -"
29 |
"E. wrote resigning Birm. Busy till moment of starting. To the Hut at 12.50 train - Connelly cab.
A. C. & May to Organ recital, Connelly cab there - Tea Mrs. Giles -"
30 |
"E. at The Hut. A. C. & May to Church at 8. Perfect morning, Stormy later."
31 |
Frank Schuster writes to Alice: "I must congratulate you on Edward�s condition � I have not seen him in
such health of body and mind for years! I think it is in a great part due to that superb Symphony, the composition of
which should many any man radiant beyond measure � only it didn�t follow that it would have this effect on Edward, and
it is as glorious to behold him as it is to listen to it! I told him I think it is going to sweep all before it -
always excepting � I hope � his other works."
Orville Wright becomes the first to stay airborne longer than one hour.
Russian newspapers celebrate Tolstoy's 80th birthday, calling him the Shakespeare of the 19th century.
In France there are fears that a poor crop will cut 1908 Champagne production to 88,000 gallons,
normal for one vineyard.
Birth of David Oistrakh, Russian violinist.
September |
1 |
Elgar travels to London for the Worcester Festival rehearsals.
2 |
Elgar rehearses for the Worcester Festival. The contralto Tilly Koenen hadn't learnt her parts.
3 |
Jaeger writes to Elgar: "I had a happy day to-day, for I heard once more, after many many months'
starving, some music. Your works struck me with all the force I felt years ago, when I studied them & I was as deeply
moved (Tilly K. notwithstanding) as ever. I shed a few happy, silent tears over so much beauty & my whole being was
thrilled, elevated & purified & braced up. I feel morally & physically better for having heard your music, & I thank you.
It was a wonderful experience, after many months in the Desert, to drink those refreshing, strengthening draughts of
divine water of Healing."
4 |
Elgar writes to Ivor Atkins: "I hope you are easy in your mind now & not worried. I saw the terrible
woman this a.m. & worked hard - but - she is impossible. She knows nothing & is unteachable I fear. I sent her off in
good time & recapitulated your instructions & gave her your wire, which arrived safely, so I trust she got down to you
& you have drilled the life out of her. I wish to goodness she wd give it all up - if we could get Phyllis Lett. I only
had time to do my work over which she was duller than dull."
5 |
"A. C. & May, Clara & Grace & luggage to Worcester 11 - Connelly's omnibus & cab. 'James' met us at
Station. Prof. Terry met us at Foregate St. & took possession of A. Ordered things on the way & so to King's School -
Began to get all ready. E. Frank & Pippa soon arrived & Whittemore later. Lovely time."
6 |
"E. & C. & May to Spetchley. A. to S. George's - Most happy day. Some to Service in Cathedral - lovely
party for dinner."
7 |
"A. raser busy arranging Evyth. All most pleasant & helpful. All so joyous & happy, such lovely days,
except for weather. Rehearsals going on. A. shopping with Frank & arranging for band party. Lovely Concert rehearsal
all mad over bears & singing & acting them!"
8 |
"A. just heard 'God Save the King'. Delightful party - lovely days - Lady Maud arrived in time for
'Gerontius' E. fetched her from station. Very touching but rather too dragged out & Chorus feeble & soloists not
dramatic enough. All much impressed however."
9 |
"'The Kingdom' - Most beautiful performance - Very large & reverent audience. All stood up at the
Lord's Prayer, & all seemed deeply impressed. Our own party deeply moved. A. with Frank & Lady Maud & dear Kilburns
close by. Large luncheon party - & then prepared for tea party. Very wet, but all so joyous & pleasant, & all went so
well. Lady Maud's toy bear much enjoyed Concert crowded & tremendous ovation to E. Suite perfectly delightful & all
mad over the bears."
10 |
"Mr. Whittemore left first & after lunch Frank. Very sad for lovely party to begin to break up. Large
luncheon party, Martins, Berkeleys, D. Penny, Tenant &c &c. all pleasant. rather dreary performances in P.M. & evening."
11 |
"Lady Maud left at 12 - - - nice long talk - E. in Cathedral in morning. A. afterwards. A. & C. saw
Wilsons, very nice & dear old house. E. & Terry to Lay Clerks party after dinner. Began to pack up -"
12 |
"A. busy clearing up. E. & Prof. Terry & C. in motor to Malvern & Tewkesbury & so home by 7. Lovely day.
A. pd. calls & bills & got off at 2.20 - & fairly re-settled before all arrived after lovely time. Connelly omnibus &
cab at station."
13 |
"Prof. Terry & E. & C. & May to Bartestree - A. in bed all day with bad chill. Sarah, housemaid,
went home & was ill & did not return."
14 |
"A. down to lunch. Prof. Terry & Pippa here - E. & he for short ride in aftn. Saw Cathedral in the
15 |
"Prof. Terry left 11. Connolly cab. Much regret. Henry Guise came about 4. Stray cab - & luggage later
in another - seemed so pleased to come."
16 |
"C. & Major Guise to Cathedral &c &c Wet aftn. H. Guise saw different things - Left at 7.30 for
Ireland, Connolly cab."
17 |
"Lovely day. Dear Pippa left very tearfully. Corridor. Connolly. E. & May for a ride, puncture & had
to wait 2 hours at Fawley Station -"
18 |
"Rather wet morning. Made De Navarro boy, & Mr. Hubbard [Times correspondent in Rome] motored
over to lunch. Delighted with house &c. Cleared somewhat. So glad to see Hubbardie again. After lunch all but E. to
Cathedral & then they shot off on home."
19 |
Elgar writes to Jaeger: "I loved having your letter & all you said about rehearsal was cheering. As to
the symphony - the general key is Ab - the signature of one flat means nothing - it is convenient for the players.
The first movement is in 'form' 1st & 2nd principal themes with much episodical matter but I have - (without definite
intention to be peculiar but as a natural feeling) - thrown over all key relationship as formerly practised:
the movement has its 2nd theme on its 2nd presentation in Ab & as I said, the movement ends in that key."
20 |
"Pouring torrents - grey & hot. E. working absorbedly. Finale orchestration. no one out. E. nearly
finished his Finale orchestratn. E. & C. for short walk."
21 |
"Lovely day. E. & May long ride to Peterchurch. A. & C. into town & tea at Mrs. Underwood's."
22 |
"Finer day. E. & C. long ride with much walking to Winsley Hall, Quite tired & rather sea sick -
such as (ascents) & descents. A. & May walked to Lugwardine Court."
23 |
"Very wet. & damp & grey. E. working all day. Short walk after tea. A reading aloud after dinner
Reminiscences of an Irish J. P. R.M."
24 |
"Rather fine. E. raser worried over Finale of Symphony. E. for ride Fownhope &c -"
25 |
"E. finished his Symphony, noble & beautiful - E. & May for ride. A. long walk -"
26 |
"E. vesy badsley - In bed nearly all day. Dr. Collens - Down in Evening."
27 |
Elgar writes to Frank Schuster: "I've put the last note to that Symphony & am bringing up the copy
tomorrow. I shall be at the Langham for a day or two probably correcting proofs & the like bitternesses which are sweet.
Let me know where you are: I may be able to loaf beer-&-pipily for a day or two & if sun comes I go seaward for choice."
28 |
"E. still not vesy well & did not start for London - Dr. Collens. Late in P.M. E. & C. walked into town -"
29 |
Elgar writes to Hermann Fiedler: "I am sorry to tell you that I shall spend, perforce, my winters out
of England therefore I have resigned the post I held at Birmingham. The announcement must of course come from the U. &
I do not know when they (i.e. whoever concerns themselves with such matters) meet, so please say nothing for the present."
30 |
"Hot summer day. E. in London correcting proofs - Bad news of Mrs. Littleton - very sad. - C. & May
for ride in P.M. E. took up the Finale of the Symphony. May it be blessed."
The Model T Ford is released on to the U.S. market
Seven European nations compete in the first official internaional football competition.
A new harbour is opened at Dover.
The Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst is jailed for breach of the peace, despite having two Cabinet ministers appear on her behalf.
October |
1 |
"Dear Mrs. Littleton passed away at Brighton -"
2 |
"Very hot - soft mists every morning. E. home corridor Connelly cab. Rather out of heart with world
in general -"
3 |
Arthur Salmon writes to Elgar giving permission for setting Pleading and The Haven of Desire.
4 |
A quiet day at home.
5 |
A quiet day at home.
6 |
Henry Clayton writes to Elgar, making arrangements for him to conduct at the Music festivals in
Eastbourne and Manchester, and at the 1909 Newcastle-on-Tyne Festival.
7 |
Elgar replies to Clayton, finalising the arrangements.
8 |
Elgar sends Pleading to Novello: "Enclosed I send M.S.S. of a little simple song (in 3 keys) -
kindly have it engraved as early as possible as I want it out very soon."
9 |
"E. rather depressed - not much out of garden."
10 |
"Lovely day rather windy. E. & May for ride. Troyte rode over -"
11 |
Elgar writes to Richard Peyton about his resignation from Birmingham: "I see the official announcement
is made & I feel I must write to thank you for all your kindness to me during the past years. I will not go into the
question of my deep regret at the necessary severance of my ties with Birmingham but I could not let the occasion pass
without a word of warm thanks to you & a hope that now the new buildings are nearing completion the new Professor will
be able to do some real practical good � as I had hoped to have done."
12 |
"E. rode with Troyte. Then rested after lunch & went to Q. A. Mansions by 4.30 train. Connelly cab -
badsley headache."
13 |
The Eastern Daily Press reports: Sir Edward Elgar attended a public rehearsal at St. Andrew�s
Hall, and took the chorus through some of the more exacting parts of his �Dream of Gerontius� and �King Olaf� � two of
the works which find a place in the Festival programme.
14 |
"E. returned to Q. Anne's Mansions Musical League Meeting Sent good news of his souse. Mrs. Gorton
came to inspect a house."
15 |
Elgar writes to Mrs Gorton: "I hear from home that you have been with them & looking at a house in
Hereford. I am so sorry that for a second time I should have been prevented from welcoming you in person. Nothing wd.
give me greater pleasure than to have Canon Gorton & you near us, but I am not sure if your invalid does not require a
somewhat bracing climate."
16 |
"A. by 6.20 train to London. Connelly late, horrid rush Went to Q. A. Mansions ... to Dentist at 3,
Then with Pippa to Lady Epping�s Lawsuit. Very amused. In evening to Barrie play."
17 |
Elgar conducted the first London performance of the second Wand of Youth suite, also In
the South.
18 |
Alice writes to Carice: "Darling, Had no time to write. Concert was beautiful, Suite delightful &
In the South very gorgeous, tremendous reception for both, & shouting &c. � Saw Mr. Schuster & C. Phillips & S.
Wortleys & Speyers &c &c &c."
19 |
"E. busy & to City, Chemicals &c. A. & Mr. Whittemore to London Liby. & Nat. Gally - E. & A. dined
ith Stuart Wortleys & Claude & then to Arms & the Man with them."
20 |
The Duke of Norfolk writes to Elgar: "Owing to various causes it is extremely difficult to obtain
a sufficient number to take part in the Deputation to Rome next month. I venture to write again to express the very
earnest hope that you may be able to join the Deputation. It will be able the middle of the month, but the exact date
is not yet fixed. Can you let me hear quickly?"
21 |
"E. raser badsley. Troyte & Mr. Whittemore to Madley Spent day in the Church. Very cold. Mrs. Foster
& sister-in-law & Canon Greenside to tea. The Canon loved Peter. Very pleasant. E. raser better & down."
22 |
Gilbert Parker writes to Elgar: "I am taking the liberty of sending you a copy of a book of mine which
I have only just published privately. It contains one or two pieces which I have dared to think might appeal to your
genius. Might I refer you to page 96 � �The Sea-Reapers�? When I wrote it first, I thought of your music, and wondered
it ever it could embalm and perpetuate the lines and the thought of them."
23 |
"E. better & down. Dr. Collens. Out in afternoon and Sale for his Chemic room."
24 |
"Mr. Austin came by 1st train. No parts came - Stayed & played a little & left. Proofs came by 2nd post -"
25 |
"Mr. Austin came about 9 - E. & he played till late."
26 |
"Mr. Austin left Preparing for Norwich."
27 |
The Eastern Daily Press reports: Sir Edward Elgar, Lady Elgar, and Miss Elgar arrived in the
city this evening, and will be present at the performance of �The Dream of Gerontius� this morning. They are the
guests of Mr. James Stuart, M.P., and Mrs. Stuart at Carrow Abbey.
28 |
"At Carrow Abbey - Mrs. & Dorothy Drew, Lady & Miss Stepney, Mr. Hansell, Mr. Birrell - Beautiful
performance of 'Gerontius� - E. called up - E. & A. did not go in Evening. Very pleasant. All possible for everyone
thought out & cared for. Lunched at the Mayors, met Lady Stradbroke, E. Lord Abermarle &c."
29 |
"Nice meeting with Miss Mary Egerton. Gt. At Home in aftn. most pleasant, met old friends & new. To
King Olaf in evening. Very fine. E. & A. sat together - joy."
30 |
"Misses Colman invited the Orch. very nice party -"
31 |
"Drews left. Dr. Barrett & daughter came. Mr. Sedley Taylor came. E. & A. did not go in. Went to see
Cousins. Chorus to tea &c - in aftn. Presentation to Choir Master, all so beautifully done & nice. Nice Evening at
the Abbey."
Postage between England and the U.S.A becomes two cents.
In Amsterdam the Cullinan Diamond is cut into eight stones, seven for a necklace for Queen Alexandra.
Professor Ernest Rutherford announces that he has isolated a single atom of matter.
Toscanini makes his debut at the New York Metropolitan Opera, conducting Aida.
November |
1 |
Richter writes to Elgar: "Dearest friend, When may I come to you to see the score of the long wished for
Symphony? Any day of this week would suit me, as I am quite free until Saturday the 7th inst: inclusive the forenoon of
this day, Saturday afternoon I must go to London. I have no concert during this week, as Mr. Beidler conducts the
�St. Paul� Oratorio."
2 |
"E. A. & C. left Carrow with affte. adieus at 9 - - - Arriving E. went to Novello & all met at lunch
with Pippa. A. took C. to Dentist, home by 4.45 train 2 C. cabs."
3 |
Elgar send a telegram to Novello: "Doctor Richter coming here Thursday please let me have remainder of
full score third & fourth movements at once"
4 |
"Preparing for visitors. moving beds &c. E. busy with proofs."
5 |
"E. & Mr. Austin very hard at work with proofs. C. stayed to help. A. & May to Malvern (Connelly cab)
to Concert Club Concert. Walked up -"
6 |
"Made all preparations, ordered Connelly cab but Dr. Richter wd. not stay. E. played Symphony thro� to
him after lunch & a walk, seemed much impressed. Sd. that I think will be the Symphonie . . . It is a continuation of
the great series &c &c or words to that effect. Frank arr. by 5 train stray cab, & Lady Maud at 9 - E. met her - 2
Connelly cabs."
7 |
"Lady Maud to rehearsal. Connelly cab she & A. to Cathedral, C. cab. nice recital delightful Evening.
Congenial spirits. Talked & had a most dear intimate time. Lady M. sang her new song 'Pleading'. Seemed so happy here -"
8 |
Elgar writes to Alfred Littleton: "Richter has been here and I have played him the Symphony & he is
delighted. There will be a preliminary run through at Queen's Hall on the 23rd at eleven o'clock - I conduct. Would
you care to come? It wd. give me very great pleasure if you would"
9 |
"E. busy with proofs & playing with his Ark."
Colder -
10 |
Philip Harris & Co. write to Elgar: "We will construct a Sulphuretted Hydrogen Apparatus as per your
suggestion and will forward to you for trial; at the same time we will have some made for ourselves, and experiment
with them. We thank you for your kind offer in permitting us to make these, and it shall be known as the improved
form of Sulphuretted Hydrogen Apparatus, designed by Sir Edward Elgar, and known as �The Sulphuretted Hydrogen
11 |
"Mr. Austin here early, worked hard all the morning with E. E. to town late to do shopping for Ark.
Lovely day."
12 |
"E. & Mr. Austin hard at work till 3. Lovely day. Then E. enjoyed himself in the Ark, so peased &
happy over it."
13 |
"E. so happy with his Ark, worked all day making beautiful Carpentry things & orchestrated "Pleading" in
Evening. So happy & peased."
14 |
"Lovely morning. Masses of leaves being swept up. E. to 1st Herefd. Fest. meeting at 2.30 - Devoted
to Ark."
15 |
"E. & A. not out. Lovely mild morning."
16 |
"Busy preparing for start. Mrs. Gorton came & Pippa E. met her with Connolly cab. Was shown Ark."
17 |
"To London 2 Connolly cabs with Pippa at 9.55. Then E. & A. to Victoria & Eastbourne - After dinner
long Choral rehearsal. Nice chorus, simple & sincere -"
18 |
Elgar conducts two concert in Eastbourne with Duke of Devonshire�s Orchestra.
19 |
"Left Eastbourne joyfully at 10-45? To Pippa�s to lunch, then to Waterloo & arr. at Lymington about
5. Warmest welcome. Very cold Evg. Pleasant house - & dear hosts."
20 |
"Lovely day rather cold., Mr. J. Scott took E. & A. out at 10.30 Long lovely drive thro� forest most
beautiful. A. Madge walked in P.M. & E. & Mr. S. to Links. E. played Symphony."
21 |
Elgar conducted an afternoon concert in Bournemouth Winter Gardens.
22 |
"Very tired & slept late. E. to see Ld. Northampton. A. to Westminster Cathedral to Benediction.
Dinner party in Evening. E. so bored at dinner he went to bed. Cortot played."
23 |
Alice writes to Carice: "Just a line to tell you the rehearsal was very splendid & the few selected
who were there wept & thought it magnificent. Dr. Richter seemed very delighted, no mistakes & the orch. read it
24 |
Elgar writes to John Austin: "Good rehearsal no mistakes only two tenor clefs out of place not our
fault I think"
25 |
"E. to Dr. Bertrand Dawson. A. saw him at end. Nice seeming cultured man - understanding temperaments.
Trust advice will do muss good. All sound. D.G. Lunched early with Frank & caught 1.40 train home - E. pleased with Ark.
Connolly cab Verandah being painted."
26 |
"E. busy in Ark"
27 |
"E. busy in Ark"
28 |
"E. busy in Ark"
29 |
Alfred Littleton write to Elgar: "No amateur & few if any professional musicians have the right to
give any opinion on so important a work as your Symphony after one or even several hearings. But I was so much struck
with my son Jack's remark that I cannot help sending it on to you. His words express the greater part of my own feeling
and I should think the feeling of most of those who were fortunate enough to he present. He said it was the noblest
music he had ever heard - I hope to hear the Symphony many times but doubt if I shall ever be able to add anything to
30 |
"C. eyelid inflamed Dr. Collens coming."
A House of Lords select committee recommends that hereditary peers be elected to the upper house.
A Nobel prizes is awarded to Ernest Rutherford (Chemistry)
Port-Aviation, the world's first airport, 12 miles from Paris, is finished.
The Lipari islands, a group of volcanic islands in the Mediterranean, disappear in an earthquake with the loss of 28,000 people.
December |
1 |
"C. rather badley eye. Dr. C. every day."
2 |
Elgar writes to Tonia Speyer" "Do be serious: don't you know I've written a symphony & I must live up to
3 |
The first performance of Elgar's Symphony: Alice writes in her diary: "At Manchester. E. & A. left 10.45.
E. so porsley, doubtful if going till last minute. Foggy & train a little late. E. hurried to rehearsal, A. to Hotel &c -
& afterwards to rehearsal - Fine playing E. sat in Hall but then stood up by Dr. Richter & showed what he wanted & did
splendid good. A. sat with Mr. Wilson at rehearsal. Dr. Sinclair there. E. better. D.G. Dined with Frank & G. Macquays.
S. Powell there. Then to Concert. Quite beautiful & after 3rd movement E. had to go up on platform & whole Orch. & nos.
of audience stood up - Wonderful scene, also at end - Supper with Frank & G. Macquays."
4 |
Alice writes to Carice: "Faser all well again Gott sei Dank. It was a wonderful evening. A fine
performance & tremendous reception. Faser had to go up after 3rd. movement & at end the whole orch. rose and nos. of
the audience. Most of the papers are splendid. Hope to see you on Sunday. Mr. Schuster has been busy trying to collect
Duchesses for dinner."
5 |
"C. & May to London Connelly cab. E. to Novello & City &c - Someone to lunch & Lady M. to play. A pd.
calls & went to fetch them. Lovely Evening not out anywhere. E. very happy at 39 Wilton Crescent."
6 |
Frank Schuster gives a dinner party for Elgar. The menu includes Soles � la Hut, Filet de Boeuf � la
Elgar, and G�teau Carice.
7 |
The first London performance of the Symphony. The diary again: "E. & A. to rehearsal at 10. - Fine.
Richter taking all E.'s suggestions. Back to 22 O. Qn. St. E. changed & had lunch, then rested - Then wonderful evening.
E. sat in area, A. between Frank & Claude. Wonderful playing & intense enthusiasm Orch & large part of audience simply
rose, people wept. E. looked very apart & beautiful being recalled again & again."
8 |
Muriel Foster writes to Elgar: "Thank you! you took us for long walks last night on heights which one
had only before seen shining in the far distance. It was sublime. I have had to use force to prevent my husband writing
to you but I think one letter per house is boring enough, & besides it is all too beautiful to talk about at all."
9 |
"E. busy. A. to see S-Wortleys & drove about with them. Frank had a delightful dinner party, S. Colvins,
Lord Plymouth most enjoyable Evening. All full of wonders of the Symphony, & all papers with scarce an exception
pronouncing it the Masterwork & E. happy D.G. for all."
10 |
"A. to Norwood to lunch. Frank & E. & A. dined with Lady Charlie Splendid house full of beautiful old
Italian furniture &c. Very cold. sat in her bedroom! After dinner nice G. Powell pianist there, & Claude, & S. Wortleys."
11 |
"C. & May to Norwood Mrs. Gorton & Olive at P. Gwyn. E. to Novello - Back to early lunch & left by
corridor. Connelly cab. Found all well D.G. & sunshine in our hearts. Glorious sunshine all the afternoon & wonderful
sunset, seemed a good omen. The sunset I pray, presaged the 3rd part of 'Apostles', it was like the Civitas Dei
pinnacles, towers set in gold."
12 |
"Found house cold. E. & A. by their souses. Enjoyed being at home. E. so mercifully happy."
13 |
"A. to town Church - Gortons to tea -"
14 |
Elgar writes to Richter: "My dear Friend: I have still the happy memories of Manchester & Queen's Hall
& thank you once more for the honour you did me in conducting the Symphony & giving such a splendid reading."
15 |
". & May home all well D.G. corridor - Connelly -"
16 |
"E. busy with Ark & shoppings - Glorious accounts of Symphony - Novello were having copies of full
score bound for Christmas presents &c. More performances being settled."
17 |
"All busy with Christmas preparations. Ivor Atkins to stay the night -"
18 |
"Quite wonderful excitement over Symphony, tickets sold &c - Ivor left - lunched with Dr. Sinclair -"
19 |
"2nd London performance of Symphony. Crowded, numbers turned away. Alice S. Wortley wired lovely
performance of wonderful Symphony."
20 |
"Splendid reception of Symphony. All to Church in town - Gortons to tea -"
21 |
"Many letters of glorious performance & enthusiasm. Busy with Christmas things. Judge & Miss Lea
Gortons Mr. Bird F. James to tea - E. vesy kind & good to them -"
22 |
"Busy with Christmas things expeditions to town &c. E. in Ark -"
23 |
Alice writes to Troyte Griffith about Christmas arrangements: "We are very cross! We shd. so like you to
have been here � We have Mr. Hansell from Norfolk coming today - & we meant to persuade you to come when you were here,
as we thought you wd. be! on Sunday � However please enjoy yr.self and we send you every good wish & hope you will come
soon. E. has so much conducting to do next month all being well, can you come to one of the Concerts of the Symphony?
Edward�s love, he is so happy with his Orch - & it is a happiness to think about the Symphony & know it is there &
written �"
24 |
"May left 4.20 train Connelly cab. Mr. Hansell to town & Cathedral to hear Carols. E. busy seeing
Piano fixed in Ark. Out later & caught cold. Dr. Sinclair to lunch."
25 |
Elgar writes to Adela Schuster: "I have nothing to tell you. oh! yes: a tiny piano, a sweet toy - an
arkangel arrived yesterday & is installed in a corner of that refuge. I am overjoyed do not know who has sent it -
one of four possible people: but I must think how to find the giver. I am still disappointed that you have not heard
the Symphony: it is making a very wild career & I receive heaps of letters from persons known & unknown telling me how
it uplifts them: I wish it uplifted me - I have just paid rent, Land Tax, Income Tax & a variety of other things due
to-day & there are children yapping at the door, 'Christians awake! salute the yappy morn'. I saluted it about seven
o'clock, quite dark, made a fire in the ark & mused on the future of a bad cold in my head & how far a carol could
get out of the key & still be a carol: resolve me this last."
26 |
"Mr. Hansell left 9.55 - sorry to lose him. Connelly cab. Cold & grey - Snow like. E. vesy porsley
not out. A. to tea with Catherine. Mr. & Miss Housman there."
27 |
"Snowing hard, quite still. E. happy in Ark. no one out Mr. & Miss Housman to tea -"
28 |
A quiet day at home.
29 |
Elgar writes to Frances Colvin: "It was so very kind of you to write about the symphony & I am relieved
(that�s the word) to know that you did not like it less on the second hearing. More important is my conveyance of thanks
to you for the chocolate which received a Christmas welcome & I genuflectively thank you for it. I did not celebrate the
season by merely eating � but very near it as I could not get out � the weather is not good to me."
30 |
Lord Northampton writes to Elgar: "My very dear Friend, It was a real pleasure to get your words of
love & good wishes - & I should like to use some warmer ones to show how I lovingly pray that no clouds may darken you
new year and that all may be well with you always � I think you know what I feel for you (perhaps I am too
demonstrative!) � God bless & keep you always, your most affect. friend, N."
31 |
"E. & A. to London to Frank. Deo Gratias for much - Symphony - Part Songs - Dear friends still spared
- & our own love - & some great moments. Much worry & depression occasionally."
| | |